24 May 2010

A Look Into Your Soul...

I woke up this morning with a migraine. Not wanting to do much because of the pain, I made some coffee and looked out onto my back porch. Here it is, the end of May and we are under a winter advisory. It is one of those days where you don't want to go anywhere or do anything only now with a migraine. I signed online to look up some things and to check a few things with all intent to get back to work on the movie. But someone had other plans. I came across this video that really made me think. After watching it, I sat and stared out my window in deep thought. I want to share this with you and hopefully you will find in yourself what I have found in me.

In thinking about my life and the people in it and not in it anymore, I found out something about myself. I have carried a lot of anger over the years. Anger from my childhood and certain people involved, anger at family who is no longer in my life (either by death or by their choice to leave) and anger about situations I have experienced over the years. I can't explain why they made the choices they made but I can explain the choices I have made. One of those choices is to forgive them. Whether or not they forgive me it their choice and they will deal with God about that. But in my heart and deep in my soul, I forgive them. It doesn't matter if it is family, friends, co-workers, ex-spouses or what have you. I have been wronged in my life. Many things happened to me that no one should ever go through. I am still forgiving them.

This is dedicated to those I care about, my family, friends, and those I have lost. I dedicate this to those who are suffering from pain, experiencing joy, falling in love or are broken from abuses of the past. I also dedicate this to those who seem to delight in the suffering of others... If someone like this can find happiness, who are you to try and take it away. I dedicate this to the ones I don't really like because I am hoping that this will motivate them to be honest, to be truthful and above all respectful when dealing with anyone about any situation. I know that is asking a lot but smaller things have happened and greater things have changed lives. For me, this is one of the great things. Enjoy....

(Page link to above video)

Now if you don't mind, I am going to play outside in the rain and cold with my kids... Headache or not, I am going to enjoy this day...

Until Next Time....